Click on Title to View Pictures

2023-11-04 Pictures Taken at Car Show

2016-10-02 Friendship Baptist Church Picnic

2016-10-02 Service Awards for Adell Parton, Bill Mayfield, and Brad Wells

2016-10-02 New Member Kathy Le

2016-09-18 Ruby Bowman's Baptism

2016-07-12 Bonnie Johnson's 100th Birthday Party

2016-07-12 New Member Joann Kohlhoff

2016-07-08 New Member Bonnie Hopkins

2016-07-08 New Members Gene & Barbara Lopez, Ruby Bowman and Jean Byrd

2016-05-05 National Day of Prayer

2016-05-01 New Members Manny & Geri Hernandez

2016-03-27 Sunrise Easter Service

2016-03-27 New Members David & Cathy Lyons and Ken & Anne Null

2015-10-18 New Member Rita Hoover

2015-10-11 New Members Norma & Marie Everett

2015-10-11 Pastor Appreciation Day

2015-09-20 This Is Your Life George & Libby

2015-09-06 Pastor Goad's BD Party

2015-05-17 Ron Carroll and Pastor Goad

2015-05-10 New members Sam & Carol Brandes

2015-05-03 Certificate of Baptism for Ruth Causey, Jack Snider and Charlotte Ellsworth

2015-05-03 Baptism of Ruth Causey and Jack Snider

2015-04-22 A Sacred Music Concert

2014-04-06 Charlotte Ellsworth Baptism

2014-02-12 Men's Breakfast

2014-01-25 Movie Night

2013-12-14 Christmas Party

2013-10-09 Men's Breakfast

2013-09-28 Movie Night

2013-09-11 Men's Breakfast

2013-09-08 Pastor Rance Goad Birthday Cake

2013-09-08 Robert Temlin being Baptised by Pastor Rance Goad

2013-09-01 New Members Richard Bucksot and Robert Temlin

2013-08-31 Movie Night

2013-07-27 Movie Night

2013-07-10 Men's Breakfast

2013-06-29 Movie Night

2013-05-25 Movie Night and George Partin's Birthday

2013-05-08 Men's Breakfast

2013-04-27 Movie Night

2013-04-13 Spring Picnic

2013-04-10 Men's Breakfast at Denny's

2013-03-31 Easter Sunrise Service

2013-02-23  Movie Night

2013-02-13 Men's Breakfast

2013-02-09 Valentine Dinner

2012-12-15 Christmas Party

2012-11-18 Homecoming

2012-10-27 Intermission at Movie Night

2012-10-20 Fall Picnic

2012-09-29 Intermission at Movie Night 

2012-09-27 Workday and Break for Lunch

2012-09-12 Men's Breakfast

2012-09-09 Pastor Goads Birthday

2012-08-25 Ice Cream Social

2012-08-25 Movie Night 

2012-08-08 Men's Breakfast

2012-07-29 Movie Night

2012-06-30 Movie Night

2012 Jun 27 - C.A.S.T. Meeting

2012 Jun 24 - Rev. Toby Gbeh, Rev. Rance Goad and
                        George Partin 

2012 Jun 13 -  Men's Breakfast (Photos)  (Photo Movie)
movie also has photo/s from 1/11, 2/8 and 3/14 breakfast

     (If you don't see what you want, visit the Archive pages)
1511 El Rancho Dr.
Sun City Center, Florida 33573