1511 El Rancho Dr.
Sun City Center, Florida 33573
Our Johnny
Oh, how he loved flying!
Now he's gone above.
He's flying without wings
With the One who is Love.
Free forever, now is he
Of pain & sickness; he's cancer-free!
Healed by the Lord in a special way..
Called by Him now to fly away.
The clouds that we see?
He's smiling behind!
The rainbow God sends
Is just to remind
That life does not end
For the child of faith!
But he lives on, forever
While we our turns wait.
Meanwhile,, our John is flying above,
Doing for God the things that he loves..
Fulfilling the calling God has for him,
Rejoicing in service for the race he did win.
Written by his mother,
Pauline Testerman
September, 23rd, 2012
After eighteen months of fighting cancer, John Testerman Jr. went to be with his Heavenly Father on September 21, 2012. The poem below was written by his mother.